State Bed and Breakfast Cookbooks
Whether it is working with a State Bed & Breakfast Association, or compiling a cookbook with recipes from all of the inns in a state, we have the experience to work with busy innkeepers and make the process painless.
If your state or regional Bed & Breakfast Association would like to publish a cookbook, Winters Publishing has a program that could eliminate all up-front costs for the association, and actually be a fundraiser for your group. And your participating innkeepers can have the benefits of the exposure they gain by being in the cookbook, while making a profit by selling the book.
All of our State Bed & Breakfast cookbooks are carried regionally by major booksellers such as Waldenbooks and Barnes and Noble, as well as being available on websites such as
Please contact us for more details on getting started.
If you receive frequent requests for your recipes, you should consider publishing a cookbook. It makes the perfect souvenir for your guests, and is a great marketing tool to promote your inn. We have been successful in having many cookbooks from inns carried by the major bookstore chains.
If your church is considering a cookbook as a fundraiser, we would love to work with you. Not only is a cookbook a great way to raise funds for a special project, but it can also be an effective tool to reach out to the community and increase the public awareness of your church and the ministries you offer.
We are a custom publisher, and we will work with you to design a cookbook that will have the look you desire. Along with the recipes, we can include photos and information about your church to make your cookbook unique. From the specially designed full color cover, to text pages that are attractive and easy to read, you will be proud to have this book represent your church.
Schools, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profits
If your group is considering a cookbook as a fundraiser, we would love to work with you. Not only is a cookbook a great way to raise funds for a special project, but it can also be an effective tool to reach out to the community and increase the public awareness of your group and the services you offer.
We are a custom publisher, and we will work with you to design a cookbook that will have the look you desire. Along with the recipes, we can include photos and information about your group to make your cookbook unique. From the specially designed full color cover, to text pages that are attractive and easy to read, you will be proud to have this book represent your group.
Is cooking your passion? Perhaps everyone is always telling you, “You should write a cookbook.” Maybe you should listen to them. We can guide you through the process and help make your dream a reality.
For More Information
For more information about publishing your cookbook, please contact us.